All About Manicures

I often get asked about various manicures, so this month I have decided to explain the different types of manicure available at the Lilac Room...

Classic Manicure - Nails are filed into your chosen shape - almond, squoval or square. Then cuticles are softened with cream and soaked in warm water. The dead skin cells and softened cuticle are then removed from the nail plate. This creates a good surface for painting the nails, and prevents hangnails (the stray skin along the nail wall) or unsightly lesions around the cuticle/matrix of the nail.

Hands and nails are then massaged with cream before applying base coat, two coats of your chosen polish and a top coat.

A professional manicure should last between 4-7 days. You can remove the polish with a standard nail polish remover at home.

I have a new game changer just arrived... Not only can I apply quick dry drops to speed up the drying process of the polish, but I now have a UV gel top coat. Applied and then dried under LED lights to ensure it is completely dry - and smudge proof! But this won't impact the longevity of the manicure. It can also still be removed with a standard polish remover when you are ready.

Gel Manicure - Nails are shaped and cuticles pushed back, but hands are not soaked in water, as this inhibits the adhesion of gel polish. Gel polish is applied in the same way as a classic manicure, but each layer is cured under the LED light box.

The main benefit for a gel manicure is the resistance to chipping and cracking. It is more hard wearing and lasts 14-21 days. It provides strength and protection to the natural nail, enabling it to grow underneath.

Gel polish should be removed in the salon. Never try to scrape or pick this off as it will damage the natural nail.

Dip Powder - This is a super hardwearing acrylic based system, with quite a strong odour. No UV/LED light is required. Application is similar to a gel manicure, with no water.

This is ever more hard wearing and gives a stronger finish to the natural nail. It can last up to 4 weeks, if looked after well. This type of manicure is very effective if you like the french manicure appearance. Again, this must be removed professionally.

But what happens if you have poor nails - peeling or splitting at the ends? They won't grow.

This is what I recommend to clients:

  1. Neat, natural nails can be achieved if you are willing to nourish them every day with cuticle oil. Even better twice per day. You will need to wear rubber gloves or hand protection every time you put your hands in water, or do manual tasks like gardening.

    I advise investing in regular manicures to keep your cuticles under control, increase blood flow and encourage nail growth. I recommend a nail protector such as OPI Nail Envy or Dr Lewin Renunail Strengthener

  2. Regular gel polish manicure in the salon. You can opt for a colour or a natural finish. You will need to keep this up every 3 weeks, but your nails will grow and look good while they are growing.

    This is an investment but I find clients achieve great results with both of these methods.

If you would like any more information or advice for your nails, please contact me at the salon.

Need a chat?

As always, please reach out if you would like advice or product recommendations, by calling me on 01962 711 449.

Nicky Parker