Be Good to Yourself
This month I am going to focus on mental wellness, but let's start by exploring what that means...
It is about practising healthy habits to look after your mental wellbeing. I believe it is more than that though. I am all for being healthy, but I also think you have to listen to your body and your mind, because they tell you what you need.
So here are some tips from me:
Fresh air - try and get outside, even it's only for a few minutes every day. The sunshine (when it appears!) is good for producing Vitamin D, which is good for brain health. But being outside, breathing fresh air and getting a change of scenery is so good for us.
Exercise - whilst there are obvious benefits to our bodies, exercise is also good for our minds too. Studies have shown that doing things like dancing can help your mind stay active, as it recalls steps and routines. Not that I really need an excuse! But it is important that you find the right exercise for you. You don't need to train to be the next Olympic champion - do something you enjoy and that you can maintain.
Diet - eating healthily is just as vital for our minds as it is our bodies. Experts recommend trying to eat the rainbow - in other words have different colour foods on your place. And no, M&Ms don't count! Even trying to pack a few more veggies or some fruit into your diet will help, or cutting down on processed foods.
Water - yep - I know this is my favourite! But honestly, there is just no getting away from the fact that water really is so good for every part of you - mind, body and soul!
Sleep - I know it can be so hard to get enough sleep. Hot nights, struggling with the menopause, having a snoring partner, or just in a pattern of poor sleep... the list goes on. But if you can get through those barriers then sleep is such a wonderful healer for the mind and body. A friend of mine has been trying an app called Aura, which is available for iPhone or Android phones. You can have a free 7 day trial, so it might be worth a shot?
Being sociable - with lockdown restrictions easing, thankfully we can now catch up with family and friends. Being sociable and enjoying the company of others is so important, and probably something we will never take for granted again. But after being in lockdown, it can be easy to slip into hermit mode and feel like you can't be bothered to make the effort. Please don't make that mistake. Having a laugh with friends, and yes, a glass of something delicious too, is just the best medicine.
Do something for you - take time to do the things you love - potter around the garden, bake, arrange flowers, read - whatever is right for you - do it. We need to get into the habit of putting ourselves higher up our own priority list!
Just be in the moment - find a few minutes every day to just breathe and be in the moment. Sit quietly, do some deep breathing and just relax. Breathe in deeply and then let out your breath trying to make a "shh" sound at least 15 times before you have finished exhaling. I know it sounds strange but try doing that a few times, and you will be amazed at how calming it feels.
Reach out if you need help - don't wait until you are at rock bottom. Speak to somebody if you know you are low, or you are struggling. An expert or just a friendly ear can be all that's needed.
Please look after yourself and focus on your mental wellness.