And relax...


This month I am sharing some ideas about how you can relax and pamper yourself:

  • What is relaxing - I know you're thinking "Jackie has lost her marbles!". But actually, I want you to stop and think about what relaxing means for you. When you manage to grab some precious "me time", you need to spend it doing things you enjoy - not somebody else's perception of relaxing.

  • Fresh air - try to get outside, even if it's just to sit and drink your morning coffee. Some fresh air and feeling the sun on our faces does us all the world of good - and it's a little boost for our vitamin D too!

  • Treat yourself - if you're a bath girl then invest in a luxury bath oil or bubble bath. Take the time to lay back and unwind in the warm scented water and allow your mind to wonder. If you prefer a shower then still make sure you indulge in a lovely shower gel - it does wonders for your self esteem. 

  • Exfoliate and moisturise - I know I tell you about this a lot, but it really is so important. And actually the process of regularly exfoliating and then slathering on body lotion can be quite therapeutic. Those regular circular movements can be rather hypnotic! Your skin will thank you too...

  • Mask - try to find time to use a mask - ideally once per week, but even if you do it every fortnight it will help. Spending the time laying back with your eyes closed will help your mind and body, as well as your face - so double bubble!

  • Look after yourself - some of my ladies are wrung out by the time they get to me - they cram so much in, and spend so much time running around looking after everybody else, that they forget to think about them. Please remember to put yourself first, even if it's only sometimes - you can't look after others if you don't look after you.

Need some help destressing? Why not book in for a relaxing treatment… Please contact me to arrange an appointment.

Nicky Parker