Beauty is power...

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This month, as time is short in the run up to Christmas, I thought it would be nice to share some make up quick fixes:

  • Powder - if you prefer to apply foundation before eye colours, don't powder until you have done your eyes. That way, any fallout can be wiped away with your foundation sponge/brush without dark colours smudging onto your cheeks.

  • Eye primer - help your eyeshadows to last longer by using a primer.

  • Mascara smudge - has your mascara marked your eyeshadow? Just roll a cotton bud over the mascara gently and it will remove the mark without ruining your eye colours.

  • Foundation caked - if you find your foundation has gone patchy, is poorly blended, or has caked, then use a damp foundation sponge and stipple it over your face to even out the colour. Once you have an even look, you can apply additional colour where you need, if you're freshening up.

  • Blush overload - got a bit overenthusiastic, and now looking a bit "Aunt Sally"? Again, use a foundation sponge, but with a little left over foundation, and very lightly dab it over the area. To keep blush light, use a large brush and layer it - so less is more, and add to the colour, rather than loading too much to start with.

  • Lipstick bleed - blot lips thoroughly with a tissue, line lips and re-apply. Don't rub at your lips - you'll just smudge the lipstick more. Try using a matte lipstick, rather than a more moisturising or glossy one, that will bleed more. You can also try Urban Decay Ultimate Ozone Primer which reduces feathering and helps to keep lipstick in place.

  • Lipstick staying power - if you have a problem with your lipstick lasting, put a very light application of foundation over your lips and powder them. Use a lip liner that matches your lipstick to outline your lips, then using the side of the pencil, colour in the lip area. Use a lip brush to apply your lipstick, then blot with a tissue and repeat.

  • Tidemarks - do you have a clear line between your foundation and neck colour? The trick is to keep blending - use a foundation sponge or brush and just blend the colour down into your neck. It's better to try and keep the colour similar to your neck colour and use bronzer to give a warmer shade to your face, but it does depend on the time of year and the colour of your skin.

  • Winged eyeliner - gone wonky? Dip a cotton bud in a very small amount of Vaseline to remove. You will need to blot with a tissue, and reapply foundation and powder after. If you struggle with making your liner even, try marking the finish line on each eye with an eye pencil before switching to your liquid or gel liner. Gel liner is easier to control, so favour that over liquid.

  • Quick nail dry - if you're in a hurry to get your nails dry, plunge them in ice cold water for a few minutes.

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Nicky Parker