With lighter evenings and warmer weather comes lightweight Summer clothes. That usually means short sleeves, shorts and just a whole lot more skin exposure. Whilst I'm not saying pale isn't beautiful I know most of my ladies prefer a little colour when the skin comes out.
Read MoreWith lockdown restrictions easing, it really does feel like everything is reawakening now. I feel like I have a real bounce in my step - just like a Spring lamb!
If you're still struggling a bit, do remember to be kind to yourself. We have suffered so much in the last year, it will take time to put everything back together again. But how about a little help in reawakening you?
Read MoreDid you know, up to 60% of the female UK population claim to have sensitive skin? So, if that's you, know that you are not alone!
Sensitivity manifests itself in lots of ways - from occasional redness to full on sore dry patches, spots under the skin, Rosacea, Eczema and Psoriasis.
Read MoreThe circumstances we have faced in the last year have put added stress on our hands. Most hand sanitiser is very drying (because it is alcohol based), plus we are all washing our hands more often, stripping the natural oils in hands and nails. Winter is also tough on skin - the extremes of cold outside, and overheated houses.
Read MoreFollowing on from my article last month, this month I am going to explore dry skin in more detail. Whilst everybody's skin is slightly different, more of my ladies have dry skin than any other type, so I know this will be popular.
Read MoreI thought it would be helpful to explore the various skin types. We will only be going "light touch" this time, but exploring this in more detail in future months.
So, let's look at the characteristics of the different types, so you can identify which one you have...
Did you know there was such a thing as maskne? Apparently this is the name for acne or breakouts caused by constant mask wearing. But even if you don't have oily or problem skin, you can see still suffer from dryness and soreness when wearing masks for long periods.
You can't avoid wearing a mask, so what should you do to protect your skin and reduce problems?
Have you heard about the various ways to achieve great eyebrows and now you're wondering which one is best?
Well, wonder no more, as I am going to lift the lid on some of these...
Read MoreIf you feel bamboozled by all of the ingredients in skincare, and not sure which is the best one to choose, be reassured - you are definitely not alone. Every year it feels like there are more and more out there.
This month I am going to demystify some of the key ingredients to help you choose the best one for your skin.
Scrubs and exfoliants are used on both the face and body. The jury is out on what the difference is, but my take is that scrubs are more textured, used more enthusiastically and therefore more suitable to your body; whereas exfoliators are gentler and more suitable for your facial skin.
But what should you choose and how should you do it?
Firstly, be reassured that with patience, time and some TLC, most nail problems can be solved.
I'm sharing a couple of common nail problems and some thoughts about how you can treat them:
Sadly, we are still in lockdown so I am unable to carry out pedicures, which are one of my most popular treatments.
Lots of my lovely ladies have been asking me for some tips for looking after their feet at home, so I have recorded this video to help…
Read MoreTrying to avoid the usual weird and wonderful from the catwalks, this time I am sharing some of the more wearable trends for SS20:
Colourful eyes - for the young and trendy there is neon eyeshadow and eyeliners…
This time I want to focus on dark circles. Some people are unfortunately more prone to dark circles than others. However, there are things you can do to reduce the risk and improve the appearance:
Read MoreTo set you off on the right track for the rest of the year, this month, I want to share some tips with you, to help put you first:
Sleep - frankly, if you can suss this one, the rest of the year will take care of itself! Start by turning off all your electronic devices at least an hour before bed. The blue light from mobiles, tablets and computers plays havoc with our brain's ability to shutdown.